Thank you for your support of the American Academy / Association of Orthopedic Medicine. We’re thrilled you’ve made the commitment to provide support for the 2023 Extremities Cadaver Workshop. Please complete the form below to confirm your sponsorship.
Platinum Sponsor: $5,000
Lunchtime product theater (30 mins) with participants.
Company name/logo predominately placed on workshop apparel (sized 1:2 of Gold-level Sponsors).
Listed as Platinum Sponsor on website and all marketing communications.
Listed first position on printed education guide with bonus full-page for company overview.
Invitation for two to Friday evening reception.
Gold Sponsor: $2,000
Breakfast product theater-in-the-round. Breakfast will be served at the clinic both mornings to allow participants to meet with Gold Sponsors prior to education.
Company name/logo printed on the back of workshop apparel (sized 2:1 of Platinum-level Sponsor).
Listed on website and all marketing communications.
Listed on printed education guide with a 100 word company description.
Invitation for one to Friday evening reception.
Gold Sponsor-Ultrasound
In exchange for providing ultrasound machines for the workshop, AAOM will provide:
Company name/logo printed on the back of workshop apparel (sized 2:1 of Platinum-level Sponsor).
Listed on website and all marketing communications.
Listed on printed education guide with a 100 word company description.
Invitation for one to Friday evening reception.